Progress with Letrozole Cycle 2

AF started after 30 days from my previous AF. So it worked the same way as clomid. Usually when I take oral pills to induce ovulation, luteal phase will be longer. 

These are the list if supplements and food I took per day, which are similar to last cycle 

  1. 3-5 Brazil nuts 
  2. 2 kiwis 
  3. Pineapple from DPO 2-6 
  4. 1000mg Omega 3 fatty acids inclusive of 8mg of vitamin E
  5. 2 tablets of Big Jim containing tongka ali, maca, ginseng and L-arginine which helped in uterus lining and quality of egg growth 
  6. 100mg Coenzyme Q10 
  7. Oysters or prawns twice a week 

Changes I did for this cycle

  1. Stop taking basal temperature 
  2. Stop OPK testing 
  3. 2 eggs per day before ovulation 
  4. Accupunture on CD 4, 8, 10 and 12 
  5. Chinese medicine 
  6. BD on alternate days from CD 8 to 16

What kept me positive is that I had abundance of eggwhite CM on CD 10-11. I’m not sure if it’s due to accupunture, chinese medicine or the chicken eggs that help the CM  flow. 

CD 1-5: AF was consistent and only lighten on CD 6. Volume was not high. 

CD 8: eggwhite CM appeared

CD 9-11: volume of eggwhite CM increased and became abundance 

CD 12: ovulation cramp. Volume of eggwhite CM decreased. 

CD 13: eggwhite CM became more consistent and transparent 

 CD14: eggwhite CM seen in the morning and became creamy in the afternoon. 

CD 15-18: body felt hotter. No much symptoms.   

CD 19-24: dry CM. no symptoms. 

CD 25: mild consistent cramps but felt nausea. Felt stress over high volume of workload. 

CD 26: predicting it’s DPO 12. Worked long hours and felt exhausted 

CD 27: took a morning basal temperature as I had flu and temp was 36.60oC only. It’s way too low as my usual luteal phase temp is 36.8oC and above. No CM except when I poo and its creamy. 

CD 28: slept for 10hr yet I still felt tired. backache. Sore boobs. AF cramp šŸ˜¦ 

CD 29: AF came! That’s early! First time I had 28 days cycle. 

Progress with Letrozole Cycle 1

My first letrozole cycle started on 12 Aug 2015. It’s better than clomid as I don’t have heat flashes, bloated tummy and thinning of uterus lining. 

DPO 1-2: ovulation cramps 

DPO 3-7: Very little or almost no CM, no signs of implantation dip or thermal shift 

DPO 9: lots of creamy CM, hungry easily, temp increased gradually to 37oC.  

DPO 10: creamy CM, gastric pain, hungry easily, dry mouth; temp dropped, cramps in the morning, Lower backache

DPO 11-12: no CM, kept craving for food, lips become very dry and grew pus; temp cont’d to drop; cramps in the morning and normal in the day. 

DPO 13-14: no CM, I kept sleeping since its a weekend. Went USS theme park but I was fatigue after 1pm and demanded to go home. 

DPO 15-18: AF cramp!! No AF AND CM. Feeling nausea when taking bus. Serious constant back ache. 

DPO 19/ CD31: AF came.

Usually, I will get stress and shocks easily so I don’t expect myself to conceive easily. This cycle showed a very good progesterone level as my temp consistently increased till 37.10oC on DPO 18. 

September 2015 – first round 5mg LetrozoleĀ 

As spoken to Dr Tan HH on 11 Aug 2015, we are not hopeless till we need to go for IVF. It maybe a good news that we discover our fertility issues and facing it now but in my point of view I would have a higher chance of conceiving with IVF since I’m young! 

After much persuasion, I finally agreed with Dr Tan to use letrozole first 2-3 cycles before we go to the final decision of doing IVF. Guess I’m not determined enough to face the huge disappointment if it’s unsuccessful for the first round. I think it’s good to build up my health during this period of time as well. 

My AF started in 12 Aug 2015 right after the CT scan so I took letrozole from day 2 to 6. Usually I’ll ovulate on day 15-18 yet for this cycle, my opk strip showed positive on day 12! 

I’ll update DPO symptoms later.